colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)


Welcome to the fun page! Listed below are a wide array of various personal essays, links to other websites and a whole bunch of other miscallaneous things I want to share to the world!

Most of my personal essays were written for university assignments or in response to artistic projects I've taken up. Other times, these writings are spur of the moment ideas that I've expanded later on. Meanwhile, most of my creative writing work such as poetry and etc. are made in my own time as a stress reliever. As some people may notice, I enjoy writing about systems (both "natural" or "technological"), memory and disorder (as a methodology). These topics inspire me and also excite me, so I hope they're as interesting as they are for me.

Music is a big part of my life and I find it very fun to categorize my own favourite artists and albums! My taste is also strewn around the place, such as having both an interest in K-Pop as well as mainstream pop and not to mention smaller Bandcamp artists. I really follow wherever the rabbithole leads me!

I also have an innumerable amount of interests in various subjects, so frequently check back as I am planning on making pages on any interest that pops out to me, needing to be written!

assorted writing



creative writing


other resources

© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities