colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

My Indoor Shrine

In all her green-y blue glory!

I define the center of my shrine to be the small little ceramic water bowl that I salvaged from my university's item exchange. It was originally all white, but after lighting a whole block of camphor in it, it unfortunately burnt all the paint off and I had to repaint it myself. Which honestly made the little bowl even more precious, in my opinion! The bowl is also placed upon a cute small dish made of mosaic placed shells that I thrifted.

This bowl the center of this shrine because of its func`tion: holding water. If my other articles didn't already clue you in, I am very attatched to water and I find it to be a very important element in my life. It is, in fact, an essential component to all life as well. Because of this, I decided to give it center stage on my shrine and I frequently refill it back up with moon water (the tall blue bottle in the middle-left of the image) whenever it gets low. The act of checking the shrine every day to make sure water is in the bowl allows me to remember its presence, and to have a sort of mini ritual in my life.

The moon water that I use mainly corrolates to whatever the moon (generally full moon, unless I missed it) was in, such as in Cancer or in Leo. This corrolation then seeps into my ritual of refilling my bowl, for example when I refill the bowl with Virgo moon water, I think about the qualities and strengths that Virgo has and what it has to teach me. Am I looking into the details? Am I grounded in my ideas? Are my goals aligned with what I can achieve? These are the sorts of questions that I think Virgo would ask me.

Another way that I bring moon water in specific signs into my rituals is using the signs to aid me in a certain way. In the Virgo example, I'd ask for aid in more mundane tedious tasks that requires concentration and focus. I'd also ask for Virgo's watchful and discerning eye for matters related to work and school.

The second biggest portion of my shrine is devoted to the High Priestess. The original card that the High Priestess assigned me is what I use to indicate her presence in the shrine, and she is placed within a medium sized shell that is also within a thrifted ceramic bowl shaped like a fish (Pisces, much?).

Aside from these two large areas in my shrine, you may also see that I have a large amount of small items that cover the dishes. I consider these items as offerings as well as possible tools that I use whenever I decide to do a spell. For example, I personally pick local flowers and herbs and press them to adorn the shrine as well it serving the purpose of gifting the entities who watch over me. Meanwhile, the polished gems and stones that I have are typically used for my spellwork, but still adorn the shrine because I like them all to mingle.

Another aspect of my shrine that I'd like to share is how I decided to choose each item. I think it's very interesting to see another person's shrine and to clearly see what their focuses are and what items they choose to 'hoard' so to speak. For me, I mainly stick with cool colors / blues, items that relate to the ocean whether literally (shells) or not (items shaped like fish). There are the local plants that I have pressed because I do gardening and I identify local plants around me.

There is also, if you notice, a few hummingbird items. I have actually amassed more hummingbird items since this picture was taken. This is because I consider the hummingbird, specifically Anna's Hummingbird, to be a sort of protector of sorts. Ever since I saw my first hummingbird in person, my mom has told me that they were a sign of good luck. And because of that, I've slowly begun to appreciate the tenacity and the strength that these birds have. Not to mention that I've recently taken to feeding them via a feeder and have observed them for long periods of time while they are feeding.

The last few items that I haven't covered are my tools, which include my tarot decks, my pendulums, my cauldron and my painted jar.

My tarot decks live on this shrine because I need the visual reminder of their existance in order to upkeep with my learning journey. I often times pull a card whenever I can and try to study it, and having the decks very accessible to me makes this process much more easy.

Meanwhile with my pendulums, I haven't quite grasped the level of energy required in order to read with them. I've recently talked to my fiancé who prefers pendulums over tarot reading about it, and I think it is because my questions are just too damn complex for these guys! I do think though its not because I don't try, though, and rather that I think there are questions that I already ask my tarot decks about that can be answered much more easily with a pendulum. I just have issues with phrasing and overcomplicating questions! I hope to get back into using them though, but they did help me once with a lost item that was unfortunately thrown away. At least they let me know!

My cauldron's simplest use is to hold previous spells that I think I might have use for in another spell. To explain the current contents would be way too much info to share, but it's essentially an item keeper since its too wobbly to reliably hold water on its own.

Lastly, my jar. This jar was actually painted and gifted to me by my fiancé. I consider it a treasure on my shrine and it holds my yearly Winter Solstice letters. It has a very important role, and I love it so much.


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities