colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

sometimes its ocd

Sometimes I think about things to think about.

When those run out, I think of things that could be thought about.

I plan for the next day’s thoughts, and think about how I’d be thinking about those thoughts.

I plan my days by thinking in the small bed of mine, my eyes staring at a spot on the wall. Sometimes I can close my eyes. Especially when I am trying to sleep at the same time.

I think about things at least twice. I think about things and their outcomes.

I remember the butterfly effect and apply that to my thoughts.

In the distant future, I can imagine myself thinking the exact same way.

The outcomes never really change, but I want to hold onto the details that don’t exist.

I’d spend 2 hours awake, worried sick that I can’t sleep anymore.

I think about not thinking and start thinking about things to fall asleep.

I decided that counting sheep would help.

After 10 sheep, I fall into thinking about tomorrow.

If it’s a bad night, I think about next year.

If it’s a really bad night, I think about the next 50 years.

Finally, I give up and watch a video.

The voices drown out mine, and I fall asleep to it.


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities