colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

Sandwiches I've Eaten: Roasted Chicken on Sourdough

I’d like to consider myself a big sandwich enjoyer. I love bread, and I especially love deli meats. I also enjoy lettuce and tomatoes and onions and near everything that could be found in a sandwich except for maybe pickles. (I do like pickle brine though.) I also like anything that is considered meat between bread, such as steamed buns or burgers or anything else of the sort. Here though I’d like to talk about things defined as sandwiches, and our first contender is this: a roasted chicken on sourdough bread sandwich from Blenz Coffee.

Now prior to eating this sandwich I have recently recovered from a gluten intolerance ‘overdose’. Yes, I am a sandwich enjoyer that deals with gluten intolerance. That being said, I had to take a break from eating bread for two days to even begin to start eating sandwiches again. It’s a hard world out there. Either way, I was very happy to see a sourdough sandwich as an option as a possible breakfast, thinking that this would be an alright meal to start the day.

How wrong I was. Even as I tried to search for any sign of other ingredients other than “roasted chicken” and “sourdough bread”, I couldn’t find any sign that listed anything else in it. That was good news and bad news. Good news was if it was only roasted chicken then I’d live. The bad news is that there literally could be anything else in this sandwich and that could cause me psychic harm with the amount of bad choices that could be put in it.

And man, I really should’ve gone for their breakfast muffin that they had on offer, because on the first bite…I was so sad.

The sandwich consisted of a flat roasted chicken slice (pretty okay), two large slices of sourdough bread (okay), iceberg lettuce (fine), american cheddar (why?) and the tiniest hint of mayo (so disappointing).

Maybe I am insane for thinking sandwiches shouldn’t include cheese for the fun of it. I genuinely believe that people would enjoy sandwiches more if they didnt slap a sad piece of orange cheese into it. And believe me, I’m a cheese fan! I love getting myself a boring Subway sandwich that has roasted chicken, white cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo as its only components! I love basic sandwiches! However I think the key thing here is that a sad piece of cold, hard, orange cheese makes any sandwich ten times worse. And that’s what this sandwich did. It became a very sad, very cold and painful sandwich to get through.


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities