colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)


(Original) Megan ‘Megs’ Ito

gender: Blaseball
pronouns: She / Her
age: 20's or so
orientation: Bi
possible astrology placements: libra sun / aquarius moon
known past teams: Kansas City Breath Mints > Baltimore Crabs > Charleston Shoe Thieves > Minneapolis Truckers

Lax and always on the move; always has something to say; thinks of herself as a well-meaning person who can do some harm but not as much as people make it out to be; pretty friendly, though it is often surface level, and it’s a very broad form of ‘friendly’. More often than not she prefers to people please than to actually connect.

condensed canon history:
Megan Ito joined the ILB at an unknown date, but her first documented team was the Breath Mints before she was stolen by the Baltimore Crabs. She is a prolific pitcher, winning the Season A MVP as well as having led the most Pitching Wins in Season B, which is also when the Baltimore Crabs won the season B internet series. At some point, she moved to the Charleston Shoe Thieves, where her rivalry with Parker MacMillan began. Fastforward, she eventually moved to the Minneapolis Truckers where her most infamous event involved her trading one of her items for the Force Field that kept Parker MacMillan from incinerating the entire ILB. This resulted with her entire body being put in a paradox as she was stuck inside the Force Field when she died and couldn’t properly die. Her soul eventually ECHOED into infinity and pulled into oblivion. An Alternate version of her, New Megan Ito, took her place.

dreaming of shifting times; philosophy and life goals
O. the fool, XII. death, IIX. the hanged man

Megan dreams of a close relationship where she can spill all her secrets and in turn, be a person who can shoulder any burden.

so what gives? a relationship with parker macmillan
rivals / friends > roommates > ??? > ‘til death do us part

Megan’s relationship with Parker began when she first heard of him. They would bump into each other in games, and their status as MVPs put them in the position to see how well each other played. This blossomed into a light, but serious rivalry between the two, which often led with post-game late night dinners at fast food joints nearby, with them complimenting each other’s skill.


a life for trade; megan and the teams around her
not caring about possessions doesn’t make the greatest friends


(New) Megan Ito

gender: Evil Blaseball
pronouns: She / Her + They / Them
age: 20's or so physically; existed for ??? years since time is not real in the Vault
orientation: Bi
possible astrology placements: gemini sun / scorpio moon
known past teams: Boulders Bay Birds > Vault Legends

Think Joker archetype; is very performative with her actions and words and has little regard towards the people around her. She is very adamant on being right, no matter the situation. Has an extreme savior complex; she enjoys pitying people and punching down. Though, she doesn’t do this to make herself feel better, rather she does believe that those around her are in such worse positions they should be grateful for her help and attention. Always seems to speak in a sing-songy way, and with a tone that insinuates that she knows more than what she lets on. She is always moving in some way, and is the type that skips around the field instead of running or walking. Standing out is necessary for her.

condensed canon history:
New Megan Ito popped into existence when her original self ECHOED into static. Not much is known about how she came to be or why, but she stayed on the Boulders Bay Birds until she was vaulted. She spent an unknown amount of time in the Vault before the vaulted players were converted into a team: The Vault Legends. It was at ILB’s Centennial that New Megan Ito was in play: she first stole the Fifth Base and then settled by stealing the Force Field from Parker Macmillan, recreating her original self’s last actions. The consequences of this action have yet to be seen, but it’s not looking good.

composition of an alternate; megan’s motive
my shadow came to me, wearing the skin of my enemy


i will not save you; a relationship with parker macmillan
||: enemies > enemies > enemies :||



© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities