colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)


there's no barren land left

only a space where you were

where the laughter sat and joy emanated from

where there was talk about you and what you'd do

it is frozen in time now

safe, i think, from the world around

we sacrifice ourselves to be the liaison

for you to be safe in a cocoon

we wrap you safe in a cocoon

everything’s for you

our younger self is quiet, unknowing of the world

because if she knew, she would be heartbroken and scared

we were there before, once, and we let them run everywhere

and now, they’re frozen there, they are frozen

in a sea of space and cellophane

of packing tape and paper

it is hard to be yourself when everything is haunting you

it is hard to be yourself and keep loving

my head sometimes peaks above water and gasps and smiles

then down it goes back into the deep, reacting to the sounds that only carry here

i am made up of so many people’s desires

it is hard to find myself anymore

the only way to reset is to sleep

but my role is important and i know

without me there’d be no more rope

without an outburst no one would know


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities