colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

personality attributes.

astrology birth chart

Planet Sign
Asc. Cancer
Sun Cancer
Moon Pisces
Mercury Cancer
Mars Cancer
Venus Cancer
Jupiter Taurus
Saturn Taurus

I'd describe my chart as a group of crabs holding up a fish. In every instance, I feel as if Pisces really takes the reign over anything I do, but my core ideals and things I value the most revolve around the Cancer domain.


I am an XNFP!

I feel strongly towards both INFP and ENFP, and on many quizzes they are fairly close in the middle anyways! I am not as familiar with MBTI, but I still think that it's cool.

pmd sky personality quiz

I am a Docile type! (Bulbasaur / Charmander)

This quiz can be found here!

which pairing dynamic are you

I got magician / hotshot!

This quiz can be found here!


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities