colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

what is colrana.

Ever wondered what "colrana" means?

It is actually a made up word!
Colrana is an abbreviated word that stands for colita de rana in Spanish!
Colita de rana, translated literally, is the tail of a frog. However, it is most well known as a Spanish nursery rhyme. I first heard it from my mother when I was very little, and it stuck with me ever since!

The nursery rhyme goes as follows:
Sana sana, colita de rana
Si no sanas hoy, sanara mañana.

Basically, this rhyme would be told whenever a child would get hurt as a way to soothe the child. Sweet right?

I chose colrana as my internet handle because of its familiar connotation, as well as I really loved frogs when I was very little! I also thought up of the handle at the very last minute when I needed some type of name for my first art blog!

Colrana is also the name of my mascot! You can see him on the main page, just hanging around! A small, simplistic drawing of Colrana: a creature shaped of two circles with two thin attenae and a thin tail. He is looking at a bug.

He was created during highschool for no real reason other than I was enamored with an emoji that my teacher would draw on the board. It was the c:= emoji. I just found it so cute that this little smiley would have what I considered as antennae, so I doodled him into creation!

His design is composed of 2 large circles representing his head and his body. His two arms and two legs are also circles! He also always has a smiling face, but he also gets surprised very easily and can go =:o opened mouth! His antennae are also the most important part of his design. Without those, he wouldn't be able to interact with the world!


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities