colrana. (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ♡ (´。• ω •。`)

System Thoughts

A system is a method
that arranges a sequence
to generate a desired outcome
and a system embedded in a system
arranges the smaller sequence
to generate an outcome
that is used in the grand system
so on and so forth

It is as the saying goes
“cogs in a machine”
not those found in long
winding mazes
but instead i propose
it's the time it takes for
a carrot to grow from a seed
the soil taken care by
birds and worms
that support their growth
alongside the method of
harvesting, cutting
and ending up in a pot
filled with many other
ingredients that
though brought up similarly
all come with a different flavor
the salt mineral earth
had given them
and when boiled
all come together
as soup

A system lives on multiple truths
in fact it thrives off truths
that brush up against each other
collide and meld
if it's true
that the mole in the ground
was solely responsible for
the potato’s upbringing
then we would miss
the sun
the air
the soil
the organisms
the water


© colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocities